To the Owner
Control Functions
Search Modes
Operating Procedure
Field Recommendations
Search and Recovery Tips
Battery Replacement
Recommended Accessories
Repair Service
Recommended Reading
Mind Your Manners
RAM Book Order Form
The Garrett Sea Hunter Mark II has an
unparalleled reputation among treasure
hunters, law enforcement agencies and
various industries as one of the most
reliable and sophisticated submersible
metal detectors of its kind.
The Sea Hunter Mark II is an advanced
microprocessor-driven instrument that is
lightweight, highly durable and easy to
use. The Sea Hunter's pulse induction
(PI) circuitry provides excellent depth
and enables you to find treasure without
interference from salt water and most
ground minerals.
The Sea Hunter's outstanding performance,
custom-designed housing and multiple
configurations make it superior to
other underwater detectors available.
Microprocessor-based circuitry in the Sea
Hunter provides greater sensitivity, faster
target response and comes with Garrett's
exclusive Discrete Target Elimination
mode. The custom designed double-
o-ring sealed housing is durable and
lightweight, with individual, o-ring sealed
battery and electronics compartments that
makes battery replacement hassle free.
An 8" epoxy-filled searchcoil and custom
designed headphones, submersible to 200
feet, make the Sea Hunter Mark II highly
stable and reliable.
The Sea Hunter Mark II is very versatile,
offering four stem arrangements to suit
your search needs: the long stem with top
stem mount, under cuff stem mount, hip
mount and the short stem ScubaMate.
Each arrangement allows you the versatility
to search on land, in shallow water or
underwater, or in situations where a sealed
detector is required. The ScubaMate is
ideal for diving while the long stem allows
you to carry the control housing on your
waist or shoulder, or stem mounted, is
useful for searching on land or in shallow
Figure 1, Panel Face
Power - Use to turn the detector on and
choose either of two search modes. A
battery check occurs automatically each
time the power is switched on. (Figure 1)
Threshold - Use to set the base audio
level according to an individual's hearing
ability and how loud the outside noise
is. Typically the sound is set no louder
than necessary, just above silent is
recommended. (Figure 1)
Elimination - Use in conjunction with
either the Standard or Discrete Trash
Elimination modes to choose the
elimination level appropriate to your
search needs. As the elimination knob is
rotated clockwise, an increasing number
of undesirable items are excluded from
detection. (Figure 1).
Standard Trash Elimination and Discrete
Trash Elimination are the search modes
available with the Sea Hunter Mark II. The
selector switch for these modes is located
on the right side of the panel.
Standard Trash Elimination is the search
mode normally available on conventional
pulse induction (PI) metal detectors. The
background audio threshold is continuous
and remains close to the operator's
chosen level while responding to ongoing
variations in the detection signal. Small or
deep targets produce faint, weak signals
and large or shallow targets produce
loud, strong signals.
The elimination knob is used to change the
detector's ability to detect various types
of metal. As you rotate the elimination
knob clockwise, the detection response to
to poor conductors, such as foil, nickel and
pull tabs decreases significantly more than
the response to good conductors such as
coins and fine jewelry. In Standard mode,
the response to poor conductors can be
eliminated effectively; however, if these
objects are too close to the searchcoil,
a detection response may occur. The
response to good conductors, although
somewhat diminished, remains relatively
strong. Some jewelry such as rings and
thin gold necklaces are found in the
middle of the conductivity range, so it's
important to dial in only the amount of
elimination needed for the search area.
Standard mode permits a very slow
searchcoil sweep, making it particularly
the deepest possible detection and is
most useful in areas with little trash.
Discrete Trash Elimination is a search
mode exclusive to the Sea Hunter Mark
II. It is similar in operation to detectors
with a Motion Discrimination mode in that
it provides more precise and enhanced
target discrimination. The background
audio threshold remains at the chosen
level until the searchcoil passes over
targets in the knob's "accept" range,
at which time a sharp audio response,
a characteristic of all motion detectors,
Figure 2 shows the typical detection
responses from various metals in both
Discrete (DIS) and Standard (Std) Trash
Elimination modes. Note that in Std 0
Figure 2
(Standard Mode with elimination at
0) metals can be detected at 100%
capability. As the elimination control is
increased in either search mode, the
response to various targets decreases.
Note that the response to many metals
decreases more rapidly in Standard
mode than in Discrete mode.
As with Standard mode, the elimination
knob is used to change the detector's
ability to detect various types of metal;
poor conductors can be eliminated while
only slightly reducing the detection of
better conductors. Although Discrete
mode appears to achieve less detection
depth in air tests, its ability to eliminate
undesirable items precisely, without
affecting desirable items, enable it to
outperform Standard mode in certain
situations. For example, when the
elimination control is set to exclude pull
tabs, it excludes pull tabs with little or no
effect on the detection response to most
thin gold rings (Figure 2).
To pinpoint in Discrete mode, you simply
sweep the searchcoil from to side to side
over a target. The searchcoil must remain
in motion to produce a detection response.
This mode is designed to provide superior
pulse induction target discrimination and
is extremely effective in areas with lots
of trash.
1. Choose a desired operating / stem /
control housing configuration. Assemble
the stem and attach the control housing
as desired. (Figure 3,4,5).
Figure 3, ScubaMate
Figure 4, Full length with undercuff
Figure 5, Long stem with hip mount configurations
Figure 6, Parts needed to assemble stem and searchcoil
2. Attach the searchcoil to the lower
stem. Align the mounting holes of the
searchcoil and stem, insert the threaded
bolt through the holes and hand-tighten
the knobs; Do Not use tools. (Figure 6)
3. Wrap the cable around the stem
and secure it according to your
operating configuration. For a hip mount
configuration, use the adjustable strap to
secure the cable to the upper stem.
4. Ensure the searchcoil connector at
the rear of the control housing is clean
and the o-ring is well lubricated; add a
little silicon grease or petroleum jelly if
necessary. Do not coat connector pins
with lubricant. Insert coil connector and
gently hand tighten. Do not over tighten.
5. Repeat Step 4 when assembling the
headphone connector at the front of the
control housing.
6. Perform a battery test by switching on
the detector, noting the number of beeps
that occur. Scan a metal object to confirm
detection. If the batteries are low or the
detector fails to operate, verify that the
battery pack and batteries are aligned
1. Switch on the detector and note the
results of the battery test represented by
a range of one to four beeps. Four beeps
indicate the batteries are full, one beep
indicates they must be replaced.
2. Select the Standard or Discrete Trash
Elimination mode.
3. Set the threshold knob to the desired
audio level. Typically the audio is set very
low; usually just above silent. How low
you set it depends on your hearing needs
and how loud the background noise is.
4. Set the elimination control to zero
or a low level until you examine your
search area and determine the kinds of
metal items you want eliminated from
detection. Then re-adjust it to a level that
maximizes your search goals.
Knowing the conditions of your search
and which items you want, or don't want,
to find will help you choose the search
mode and elimination setting which best
suits your needs.
Depending on your search goals, you
may want to set the elimination no higher
than necessary so that you can detect
most metals. You may even want to set
the elimination at zero so there is no
discrimination and all metals are detected.
Although you'll detect a lot of undesirable
items like foil and pull tabs, you won't
miss any desirable ones.
Methodically sweep the searchcoil
from side to side keeping it one or two
inches above the surface. Restrict your
sweeping speed to about one to two
feet per second. Overlap each sweep
by advancing the searchcoil by at least
a quarter of its diameter; one half is
recommended. Always scan in a straight
line (not a wide arc); it helps keep the
searchcoil level, reduces the likelihood of
lifting the searchcoil at the end of each
sweep and ensures the overlap sweeps
remain uniform.
Finally, it is important to remember that
any detection signal, no matter how
loud or faint, represents the sound of
metal and its source should always be
As with all PI detectors, eliminating iron
materials while in either mode is difficult
if not impossible. However, attaching a
magnet to the inside of your digging tool
can help separate bits of iron and other
debris from your treasure finds.
SEArCh & rECOvEry TiPS
Treasure hunting
research - The first rule of successful treasure
hunting, whether on land or in the sea is to do
your homework. Learn as much as you can
about the areas you want to search, the kind
of treasure you want to find and the best ways
to recover it. The better prepared you are the
greater your chances for success. The following
books by Charles Garrett, available from Garrett
Metal Detectors, or your localAuthorized Garrett
Dealer, offer invaluable research, advice and
detailed information on search and recovery
techniques for hobbyists: How to Search Sand
and Surf;Treasure Hunting for Fun and Profit
and New Successful Coin Hunting.
Search popular gathering places - Survey the
beach to determine areas with lots of people
activity. A wealth of treasure, including lost
coins and jewelry, often lies hidden beneath
the sand. Other areas that can yield treasure
include footpaths, scenic spots, picnic or camp
sites, concession stands, dressing cabins,
water fountains, boat docks, boardwalks, sea
wall bases, bridges, channel-dredging
sites and sunken vessels.
Study surf and weather patterns -
Pay attention to storm, wind and tide
activity. Treasures from deepwater
vaults are often transferred to shallower
locations like tidal pools and water-filled
depressions near the shoreline. A beach
considered unproductive can suddenly
yield riches. Heavy storm waves often
unearth treasures like rings caught in
exposed rock and gravel areas. (Figure
Figure 7, Surf Pattern
use the right recovery tools - Use the
right tool for the job and you'll recover
treasure in no time. Knowing what you're
digging for and the kind of surface you're
digging into will help you choose the right
digging tool.
double check your holes - After you
dig a target, re-scan the hole to make
sure you retrieved everything in and
around it; corroded and coral-encrusted
desirable items can be easily mistaken for
undesirable ones.
Law enforcement and industry - Law
enforcement agencies often depend on
metal detectors to help their investigative
teams recover stolen, lost or discarded
property, particularly material evidence
such as vehicles, weapons and stolen
Construction, forestry and lumber, and
landscaping are just a few industries that
use metal detectors to purge areas or
materials of unwanted or hazardous metal
items. Metal detectors have been used
to find a variety of hidden items, such
as pipes, scrap metal, nails embedded
in lumber, underground electrical power
cables and oil barrels.
Select zero discrimination - When used
for the purposes of law enforcement or
industry, the Sea Hunter Mark II, or any
metal detector for that matter, usually
requires little or no discrimination.
underwater searches - The Sea Hunter
Mark II can locate both ferrous and
non ferrous metals concealed within and
below aquatic growth from bottom soil
and rocks, wood and other non-metallic
materials. Large items such as boats,
motors and safes can be located several
feet below the searchcoil. Locating
small, isolated items is more difficult and
requires a comprehensive grid search
with the detector.
Land searches - When searching near
wire fences, metal buildings, etc., make
sure that you scan the searchcoil parallel
to the structure.
1. To avoid acid damage you should
install high-quality alkaline or nickel metal
hydride batteries and always remove
them prior to storing the detector.
2. If the battery compartment becomes
rinse the compartment with fresh water
and allow to air dry. The electronics
compartment is factory sealed and
should never be opened. The see-
through "helmet mask" window on the
front panel should remain clean and free
from condensation. If the window ever
displays moisture, you should contact the
Garrett factory as soon as possible.
3. Before diving, always examine the
searchcoil and headphone connectors
and battery cap. Verify the battery
strength by operating the detector for a
couple of minutes prior to field use.
4. Dive with extreme caution. Observe
diving practices to lessen the risk of
becoming entangled with the headphones
orcoilcables. Ensurethattheheadphones'
vent holes are open prior to diving.
5. When using the hip mount configuration,
ensure that the belt will not interfere with
equipment removal in the event of an
1. Wash off any sand, salt and residue
from the detector immediately after each
2. Avoid high, internal temperatures by
protecting the equipment from the sun.
Store equipment in a cool location; avoid
storage in a hot vehicle.
maintenance program. For a small fee,
the factory will inspect the entire detector,
replace its seals and pressure test it.
Contact the factory for more details.
Figure 8, Proper battery pack re-installation
To access the battery pack, unscrew the
battery cap at the rear of the detector
housing, by hand. Do not use tools.
The o-ring should remain in the control
housing while the battery pack slides
out. When installing batteries ensure that
they are aligned with the correct polarity
(plus and minus) markings. Re-install the
battery pack by placing the contact end
of the housing inside first and pointing
downward (figure 8). Verify that the o-ring
is well-lubricated and free from debris.
Add a little silicon grease or petroleum
jelly, if necessary. Reinstall the battery
cap, hand tighten it until it is flush with
the housing and the two index marks are
aligned as shown (Figure 9).
Figure 9, Proper battery cap re-installation
Using the right recovery tools is as
essential to treasure hunting as the
detector itself. Here are a few examples
of recovery tools and their uses (Figure
A hand scoop is useful for dry sand and
shallow water recovery up to two feet.
A trowel is best for recovering items in
clay or gravel areas.
Figure 10, various commercially available recovery tools
Tip: A strong magnet attached to the inside of a scoop will
help separate bits of wire and other iron debris from your
treasure finds.
• Circuit type: Pulse Induction, automatic
cancellation of salt/iron mineralization.
• Frequency: 750 pulses per second
• Submersion depth: Up to 200 feet (65
meters) or seven atmospheres
• Buoyancy: Near neutral
• Batteries: Eight "AA"
• Battery life: Approximately 18-22 hours
• Control housing weight: 31 oz.
• Headphones: 11 oz.
• Sea Hunter Mark II with ScubaMate, no
headphones: 64 oz.
• Sea Hunter Mark II with long stem, no
headphones: 73 oz.
rEPAir SErviCE
If you have difficulty operating the Sea
Hunter Mark II, take a few minutes
to re-read this manual and check the
batteries, switches and connectors. If you
are unfamiliar with underwater detectors,
consult your local Authorized Garrett
Dealer or the Garrett factory.
return it to the factory accompanied by a
detailed letter describing the problem(s).
Carefully pack the detector in its shipping
carton or other sturdy box, using packing
material or appropriate insulation to
protect the parts. Do not include the
stems or headphones unless they are
part of the problem. Return all coils,
unless the problem is mechanical.
Note: Remember to include your name,
address and daytime phone number with
your shipment.
Return your detector to:
Garrett Metal Detectors
1881 W. State St.
Garland, Texas 75042
Please allow one week from the receipt
date for the detector's inspection and/or
repair and another week for its return.
Garrett will automatically return the
detector via UPS or Parcel Post unless
you provide a written authorization that
instructs otherwise.
For further assistance, please contact the
Garrett Customer Service Department, at
1.800.527.4011 or 972.494.6151.
The following measures must be observed
at all times.
Do not hunt in areas where electric lines,
gas/water pipelines, bombs or other
explosives may be buried.
Never trespass or hunt on private property
without permission.
National and state parks, monuments,
military sites, etc. are absolutely "off
Always exercise caution when digging
toward a target where the underground
conditions are unknown.
There are a variety of books available
from Garrett that can teach you how to
use a metal detector effectively, give
you ideas about places to hunt and help
improve your search and recovery skills.
(All books are written by Charles Garrett
unless specified otherwise.)
The revised classic, Modern Metal
Detectors, is a book that provides
necessary, basic information on metal
detectors and their use.
The latest edition of Treasure Hunting
for Fun and Profit is written especially for
beginner hobbyists.
Looking for interesting places to hunt?
Why not check out Charles Garrett's
book, Ghost Town Treasures, or Bob
Marx's Buried Treasures You Can Find,
a book describing countless sites where
treasure is believed to exist.
New Successful Coin Hunting, You Can
Find Gold with a Metal Detector and How
To Search Sand and Surf are perfect
books for readers who have specific
hunting goals.
Filling holes and obeying NO
TRESPASSING signs are just two of
the responsibilities of a dedicated metal
detector hobbyist. The sincere request
that Charles Garrett makes to everyone
who uses his equipment is to leave each
place they search in better condition than
they found it. Thousands of individuals
and organizations have adopted this
formal Code of Ethics for Metal Detector
• I will respect private and public property,
all historical and archaeological sites
and will not metal detect on these sites
without proper permission.
• I will keep informed and obey all laws,
regulations and rules governing federal,
state and local public land.
• I will aid law enforcement officials
whenever possible.
• I will not willfully cause damage to property,
including fences, signs and buildings and I will
always fill the holes I dig.
• I will not destroy property, buildings, or the
remains of ghost towns and other deserted
• I will not leave litter or uncovered items lying
around. I will carry all trash and discarded
targets with me when I leave each search
• I will observe the "Golden Rule" using good
outdoor manners and conducting myself at all
times in a manner that will enhance the public
image of everyone involved in the field of metal
Please send me the following RAM books:
(Please indicate number of copies desired.)
___ New Successful Coin Hunting................... $9.95
___ Treasure Hunting for Fun and Profit ........ $9.95
___ Treasure Caches Can Be Found................ $9.95
___ Ghost Town Treasures............................... $9.95
___ You Can Find Gold with a Metal Detector... $9.95
___ Buried Treasures You Can Find.............. $14.95
___ Gold of the Americas................................. $9.95
___ New Modern Metal Detectors................. $12.95
___ Gold Panning is Easy................................ $9.95
___ How to Find Lost Treasure*...................... $3.95
___ How to Find Gold ..................................... $3.95
___ How to Search Sand and Surf ................... $3.95
Free with the purchase of any other RAM book or
Garrett product. If you do not wish to purchase anything but
would like a free copy of How to Find Lost Treasure, mail $2.00
for postage and handling to the address below. U.S. orders only.
For international orders, contact
Please send payment to:
RAM Publishing Co.
1881 West State Street
Garland, Texas 75042
(Order form continued on back of this page)
Add $2.00 for first book, and $1.00 for each additional book
ordered for handling and shipping charges.
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Garrett's high tech instruments are
protected by one or more of the
following United States Patents and
other Patents Pending: 4,398,104,
4,423,377, 4,303,879, 4,334,191,
3,662,225, 4,162,969, 4,334,192,
4,488,115, 4,700,139, 4,709,213,
Design 274,704 and 297,221
G. B. Design 2,011,852
Australia Design
Other patents pending.
All Garrett detectors are manufactured
in the United States of America.
© 2008 Garrett Metal Detectors
All rights reserved.
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